Measurements: The excellent - albeit somewhat surprising - finding is that the averaged in-room far-field frequency looks remarkably and creditably similar to what one would would expect from a regular two-way speaker .... The absence of a crossover almost guarentees a simple and straightforward amplifier load and that did indeed turn out to be the case.
Sound Quality: I've now been happily listening to the Sibeliuspair for nearly two months, despite the ready availability of numerous more costly references .... The absence of any forrm of crossover network does have one powerfull compensating advantage: simplicity. The absence of any forrm of crossover netweork brings a difficult to explain element of 'directness' and 'immediacy' that is entirely seductive in its own way.
Simplicity also offers a distinct advantage in terms of imaging. The single full range drive unit in the narrow fronted enclosure inevitably has tighter and more precise focus than a large multi-way loudspeaker, delivering superior lateral positioning and in this case, rather better depth perspectives too.
Two key factors distinguish the Sibelius, and their combination is what sets these speakers apart from the pack. The first is the abovementioned immediacy that arrises from the simplicity of direct coupled opereation. Even more important, it also delivers a respectively even and plausibly smooth frequency response, which is unusual in a single driver system.
Conclusions: Pearl Acoustics Sibelius might appear to be a quite costly prospect at [arround] £5,000.00p, but that figure pails into insignifigance when one takes its fine perrformance into account. In short, it has the immediacy and image superioriority of a single driver system alonside an unsuually flat frequency response, a combination that somehow supplies the best of at least two worlds .... The model here is probably unique and well merits a strong recommendation.